By Our Staff Reporter
Islamabad: Cholera outbreaks in Pirkoh due to shortage and use of contaminated water in the area. Local administration of Pirkoh declared emergency in the area on 12th May 2022 and requested OGDCL for assistance against Cholera. OGDCL and District Administration jointly announced and launched CSR Emergency response package for the people of Pirkoh area, which is the operational district of OGDCL.
Under the announced package 09 water tractor trollies were hired for provision of water to the locals on immediate basis whereas, four OGDCL owned water bouzers are also involved in helping the people in this time of need. Expanding its assistance and to play better role, OGDCL dispensary has been declared as temporary Cholera Emergency Center for provision of 24/7 services to cholera affected patients.
Apart from this, provision of medicines and ambulances on war footing basis to DHO Dera Bugti is also a crucial step towards fulfilling responsibilities by OGDCL regarding CSR, which will not only help the quick recovery of patients but will be essential for shifting the critical patients to nearby hospitals.
Boarding and lodging facilities for doctors and para medical staff has been provided within the premises of OGDCL Pirkoh Gas field. The organization also plans to drill two water bores at Pathar Nala, resistivity survey in this regard has been carried out and cost estimates are in progress. OGDCL also installed two RO plants at Pirkoh for supply of clean drinking water in Past, which are operational and benefiting the local community.
Considering the chaos situation and to avoid reoccurrence in future, OGDCL is planning to explore alternate water supply mechanism as a permanent solution to the problem for the local community.