Following relentless efforts made by the Vice Chancellor of the University of Chakwal, the management of world’s renowned university Ivy league , Yale University of the United States of America has finally rubbed shoulder with the University of Chakwal.
” The University of Chakwal (UoC) is pleased to announced that it is going to collaborate with the world-renowned Ivy league, Yale University USA in conducting a study,” the management of University of Chakwal said on Wednesday.
As a first research project, Department of Sociology, UoC and Yale School of Medicine, Yale University (USA) are jointly conducting a study on Career and Life Satisfaction among Physicians in Punjab, Pakistan.
This study aims to identify the factors responsible for the career and life satisfaction, thriving and job burnout among the physicians. This qualitative study will collect and analyse data through in-depth detailed interviews. It will help to understand the job related challenges in medical practice.