former Prime Minister and current PTI Chairman Imran Khan has filed a plea for protective bail in a mutiny case registered against him at the Ramna police station in Islamabad. The plea was filed through his counsels and there were some objections raised by the registrar’s office, one of which was regarding the lack of biometric verification.
It is also mentioned that the Lahore High Court had granted Imran Khan protective bail in the same case until April 26. The case was registered against him on April 6 by a magistrate for allegedly spreading hatred between institutions and the public, and for attempting to cause damage to the institutions and their top officers.
It will be interesting to see how the case unfolds and what the outcome will be after Imran Khan appears before the Islamabad High Court seeking protective bail.
It appears that a petition has been filed by the legal team of PTI chief Imran Khan, requesting the court to quash the FIR registered against him. The petition claims that the government is pursuing this case against Imran for political reasons and to tarnish his reputation, and that no corruption charges have been found against him.
The FIR, which was registered under sections 138, 500, and 505 of the Pakistan Penal Code, relating to allegations made by Imran Khan in a speech aired on ‘BOL News’ in March 2022, in which he allegedly made defamatory remarks about a senior officer of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and conducted a “character assassination”. The FIR also cites other speeches made by Imran in November and October 2022, in which he allegedly used inappropriate language and threatened the families of senior army officials, provoking extremists and damaging the army’s reputation.
The complainant in the case alleges that Imran’s speeches were intended to incite soldiers to revolt against their officers and that they created an atmosphere in which soldiers did not listen to their officer’s commands. The FIR further alleges that foreign agencies took advantage of the situation created by Imran’s speeches to attack him and create a rift between the public and the army.
The outcome of the petition is not yet known, and the case is ongoing.
Seeking bail is a legal process in which an accused person requests to be released from detention while awaiting trial or other legal proceedings. The decision to grant bail is typically based on factors such as the nature of the offense, the accused person’s criminal record, and the likelihood of the accused person appearing in court for future proceedings. The IHC, or Islamabad High Court, is a high court in Pakistan that has jurisdiction over the federal capital territory of Islamabad. Imran is set to appear before the IHCn Today on Friday.